Thursday 14 June 2012

Tweet Tweet

This month I have tried to get to grips with Twitter. I have to say I was a bit sceptical when Tim-my boss suggested I look at it more closely. I have to say I’ve never really understood the point of Twitter, but it seems to be that you can share quick pithy phrases with the rest of the world, and random people can follow you to find out what you’re up to. Also there are the # items, which make reference to a particular subject/trend. E.g. #paralympics or #queensJubilee. Everyone who clicks on a hash tag, can see what the world is saying about it.

I set aside my scepticism, and started randomly tweeting. I got a few followers, and retweeted a few of the tweets of others-resharing their comments with the world, so they are doubly shared. I have to say, after a couple of days, I discovered that it’s quite as addictive as Facebook! I had a great time finding aps for my computer so I could keep up to date all the time, and exploring the twitter ap for iPhone. So now I’ve got the hang of Twitter, I plan to use it more and more. Its Twitteriffic! Come find me-my user name is @philippattr J hopefully I’ll tweet something of interest to you!

The other thing that has happened is that I’ve set up a support group for anyone who wants to speak for Through the Roof and for Christ. I have added a few people so far, but please feel free to get in contact if you would like adding to it, or know of someone who would. I plan to post on a new blog at, and to generate discussions on the groups page on Facebook. The group is called Roofspeakers! Look us up J

The posts will be on Bible passages which I use in my talks-I’ll try and expand on them and put my thoughts across and explain what I normally say about it. I hope that people will comment and put suggestions of their own down. I also hope to give tips on what I find works well when I am speaking, and encourage group members to do the same-we can all learn from each other!

I have spoken about it on Twitter under #DisabledAmbassadorsForChrist and will be tweeting the link to the blog posts each time.

Another thing I have been preparing is an article which I’ve been asked to write for Bible Reflections the piece is on how churches do and should view disabilities. It’s not published yet so when it is I’ll post the link.

My last speaking engagement at Hitchin Baptist was cancelled due to a lot of people being away and is now scheduled for December 11th. My next booking is to speak at Hannover Social Club’s coffee morning next Wednesday.


I’m always looking for new opportunities to share my story and the work of Through The Roof, so if you have a group you would like me to speak to please contact me on on Twitter @philippattr

on Facebook Philippa Woodcraft TTR


on 07841087806

and don’t forget to check out our websites,



Many thanks for your prayers and support. I can do nothing in my own strength; I can only do God’s work because he is helping me-what a privilege, what a blessing!  



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