Thursday 23 February 2012

3 weeks of grace

since the last time i wrote a proper post for this blog, so many things have happened. i'll try and get them down in order so it makes some kind of sense!

so first there was the Hand in Hand conference in Eastborne from 3-5 Feb. Integr8 had a stand there, and Alan, Alice and me were there all weekend. Alan and Alice ran a Parachute Bible story workshop on the saturday which was very well attended-65 people came,  and i'm told it was a lot of fun! while they were busy doing that, I was manning (I mean womaning) the stand. I was a bit apprehensive at first because i'm used to speaking to captive audiences, or just attending conferences, so to sit behind a table and wait for people to speak to me was a new thing. I wasn't quite sure how it would work, because it would be hard for me to tell if anyone had stopped at our stand, or the stands next door, or if they were waiting for my attention, and if they addressed me, how would I know they were speaking to me? well, Alice and I came up with a suggestion, we weren't sure if it would work, but it was worth a try. Alice wrote on a piece of paper "please say Hello Philippa as I cannot see". I was surprised how many people responded to this. people actually did come up and speak to me. i spoke to approx. a dozen people while I was on the stand, and they were genuinely interested and wanted to keep in touch or take information away. We also had a lot of interest in our new Integr8 Encounter groups. these are designed to get children of all abilities mixing, by taking say a church youth group to a school for disabled children and running activities from there. taking the church to them. if you want to know more, please see the next issue of Vital Link, and keep checking our website
I really enjoyed the conference, and thought it was well worth going. my parents enjoyed their weekend away too :-)

the wednesday after the conference, Alan and I had  a catch up meeting, discussing the conference, writing our article for Vital Link, talking over the Encounter Groups etc. it was good to catch up, and we have some great ideas for the development of the Integr8 project, and we are praying that God will bless the work. 
last Monday I was in Southampton to speak at the DCF group. it was a very blessed time and i enjoyed the meeting. they already knew about Through The Roof, so I mainly told them about my life, my testimony, and also shared a little about Integr8. I met lots of lovely people there, and i had some lovely feedback. 

last saturday, i was back in the Southampton area as I went to speak at the Newmilton Torch fellowship group. i've been speaking there for the last 3 years, and it was great to catch up, and update them on what I had been doing and how the work is going. i sang to them, and got asked for another song, which meant some hunting in my massive folder for the right song, but I was glad to be able to sing an extra one for them. 

The last post on this blog, which not a proper post but just a little status update type thing, points to a video that I have just finished editing and voicing over. its from last years Guatemala trip, and its about 13 mins. it gives an overview of what we did and i try and explain who we're talking to and where we are, and why we are doing certain things. i hope you find it interesting. 
the link again is:

I never imagined that as a blind person, i could edit a DVD. but I have been having lessons on my new MacBook that I got in September, and because Apple has made its whole system accessible with their built in screen reader, Voice Over, it was possible. i used the sound in the movie to select which clips i wanted to keep and which to drop. it was a wonderful new experience and i'm so pleased I could do it! 

what else? well, we had a team meeting yesterday, which was good, and i am next speaking in ST Marks Hitchin on 4th March. I also have a booking to speak at a church in Southampton on 13 March, they are holding a quiz night and would like me to give my testimony etc there as there will be christians and nonchristians present. this came from the meeting with the Southampton DCF. 
so, what with one thing and another, i'm gonna get to know the M25 really well! i wonder if we are going to be friends? probably not if it holds me up!

the last few weeks have been a wonderful time of God's blessing. i thank him for the opportunities he's given me, and pray he will bless the words i've said to everyone who has heard them. All glory to his name!!!

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